Patreon - Side Story: Can I Come Over?

Hello everyone,

Side Story - "Can I Come Over?" is now available on Patreon!

(This is a Chapter 9 unlockable. You must skip through Chapter 9 to unlock and make it available through the Gallery menu.)

This will be the first of many side stories to come in the future. As previously announced, we are aiming to release a side story on months that will not have a major update release to help fill in the gaps between development periods. 

We can't promise that every month will have a side story, but that's were hoping for! As of right now, there are currently 4 side stories already written and ready to be released this year. 

We hope you enjoy.

- Orion

Get Remember the Flowers


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I’m gonna cry aren’t I?

Great :)


Oh no, cute tiger is back